Friday, February 10, 2012

Fingerplay Friday- It is Snowing

Image borrowed from:
Since the vast majority of the US is about to be hit with a major cold snap, and may of us will be seeing snow, what better than to use snow as the basis of a Fingerplay!

"It is snowing, it is snowing, (Make snowing motion with hands)
All a round, All a round, (Hand at brow, look "all around")
I need a hat, I need a hat, (Motion as if you are putting on a hat)
On my head, on my head" (Point to head)

(Continue with motions, changing the winter gear you are putting on, and the body part you point to.)

"It is snowing, it is snowing,
All a round, All a round,
I need earmuffs, I need earmuffs,
On my ears, on my ears"

"It is snowing, it is snowing,
All a round, All a round,
I need mittens, I need mittens,
On my hands, on my hands"

"It is snowing, it is snowing,
All a round, All a round,
I need scarf, I need a scarf,
Around my neck, around my neck"

"It is snowing, it is snowing,
All a round, All a round,
I need boots, I need boots,
On my feet, on my feet"

"It is snowing, it is snowing,
All a round, All a round,
I need a coat, I need a coat,
On my body, on my body"

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