Sunday, August 21, 2011

Free Books for Kids Ages 0-5!

Now, I've never been a big Dolly Parton fan, (the big hair, big boobs, microscopic waist thing kind of put me off) let alone a fan of country music. However, this summer I think I've become one of Dolly's biggest fans.

I only saw the exterior of Dolly Parton, and didn't know anything about her heart. Turns out she has a big one, particularly when it comes to Early Literacy.

In 1996, Dolly Parton founded Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. Dolly wanted every child, regardless of income to have access to books. So to make reading special, she sent a book to every child in her home county in Tennessee. Read the full story here

This tradition not only continues, but has expanded to the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. And Dolly's dream of having children discover a special surprise book, just for them, in their mailbox every month has been realized.

Now, many think this is too good to be true. I know I did. But "Lil Man" is living proof. He received his first book, The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper about a week ago. And he LOVED it!

I can't begin to thank Dolly Parton enough for this beautiful thing she is doing for children. She has an amazing heart.

To get involved, and sign your child up for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, visit

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